Microsurgery: Transplantation and Replantation by Harry J. Buncke, MD, et al.
  Table of Contents / Chapter 10:
Temporoparietal Fascia Transplantation and Temporoparietal Composite Osteofascial Reconstruction
  FIG. 10-41. Right forehead, cheek, and tubed cervical flaps have been used in an attempt to reconstruct the nasal defect. Front view.

FIG. 10-42. The right superficial temporal blood supply has been destroyed by the previous right forehead flap. Right lateral view.

FIG. 10-43. A 3-cm-wide island of forehead skin was elevated on a left temporoparietal fasciocutaneous flap. The donor site was closed primarily.

FIG. 10-44. Local turnover flaps provided nasal lining. The island of forehead skin and fascia was used to reconstruct the outer cover of the right side of the nose and right ala. Front view.

FIG. 10-45. The superficial temporal vessels were connected to the recipient facial artery and vein through a nasolabial incision. Side view.

FIG. 10-46. Final result.


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